What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the practice of blending different oils and plant extracts or using them individually for their therapeutic benefits to balance and promote better health.
The use of plant material has been documented throughout history in various cultures. It is used in multiple ways depending on the intended purpose and sometimes the preference of the person using it. The suitability and safety of the ingredients also need to be considered.
Modern medicine is highly effective in treating symptoms of illness and targeting specific ailments. However, there has been a shift over the last few years in people's approach to health, where they seek a more holistic and natural way to prevent those illnesses to begin with and to try and find a way of living a healthier and more trouble-free life. This has raised interest in “alternative medicine”, of which aromatherapy is classed as one.
While do-it-yourself recipes are all over the internet, nothing compares in effectiveness and safety to a professionally formulated blend that is carefully thought out and sourced.
Aromatherapy Approach to Health
Aromatherapy is not about quickly removing the cause of a problem or covering it up. It is a gentle approach to wellness that looks at the bigger picture and tries to link symptoms that might seem unrelated. If utilised correctly and safely using appropriate ingredients and techniques, it can effectively take a load off the immune system and optimise your normal physical and psychological functions. Give your body time and space to return to its optimum state and healthy function.
Some examples of aromatherapy product applications and uses include:
Application with products like body oils, face oils or balms to address issues like hydration or inflammation.
Inhalation through aromatic devices or applying oils to objects like cotton or cloth addresses issues like mood or concentration.
Diffusion through the air, with devices like nebulisers or burning resins to address issues like stress and anxiety.
Symptoms of irritation can manifest themselves in several seemingly unrelated issues. Getting to the core of the problem and supporting the various systems involved is a healthy approach for long-term health and happiness.