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How does Aromatherapy work?

The human body is a collection of cells that communicate with each other and send out signals continuously. These signals get transported to the body’s various organs to perform functions and respond to stimuli that are being perceived and received. When disruption of these signals happens, the outcome of that process is altered. This is where essential oils and Aromatherapy can play a part.

Essential oils are complex, lipophilic and volatile.

Essential oils

Essential oils are lipophilic. That means they like to bind to oily substances. This nature makes them readily absorbed through the body through inhalation or topical application. They attach to the different proteins and cells of the body where they can disrupt, interact or influence their communication resulting in various outcomes.

Essential oil’s structure is complex: Each oil comprises tens, if not hundreds, of different chemical constituents. Some of these form the majority of an oil. In contrast, others will barely register when analysed yet still seem to affect the overall efficiency of an oil. That synergy or entourage effect is being continuously studied. It is a source of both fascination and frustration when trying to prove the effectiveness of aromatherapy treatments.

Essential oils are volatile: Their small molecular structure makes them quickly dispersed through the air. We can smell them and have them affect our brains and emotions almost instantly.

Knowing how essential oils work in the body can take your blends to a new level of effectiveness, way beyond just a nice-smelling product.


Knowing how essential oils work in the body makes it easier to understand why aromatherapy products and treatments can work on both the physical and psychological levels. This makes it a powerful tool for dealing with issues affecting the entire body. Approaching symptoms on a holistic level and treating the individual as a whole, not as many issues that need to be “fixed”.