Going beyond the fragrance of aromatherapy oils

I’m Yasmine, founder of Yatlina. I started the business to share my knowledge and love of aromatherapy, having used essential oils for over 20 years.

Everyone knows that aromatherapy products tend to smell beautiful. I’ve been obsessed with why they work, to get inside the chemistry of each oil. To understand the impact of where a plant is grown, how it’s grown, and even when it’s harvested on both its aroma and its therapeutic properties.

I take my aromatherapy seriously, but not myself.

An aromatherapy geek?

Quite possibly!

Some might says it’s a good description of me. Particularly when they know, I’ve worked on Marvel movies and love a good Star Trek rerun. But I also wanted to make sure that my products were based on science and understanding, not to be quite as mystical and ambiguous as some products.

Doing the work

You can’t just switch from working in film visual effects to being an aromatherapist overnight.

There were plenty of long days and late nights studying as I went from a home aromatherapy user to a qualified practitioner.

I’m now a professional member of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy in the United States, and the UK representative for the Alliance of International Aromatherapists, I was on the board of directors for the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists in the United Kingdom, and my company is registered with the Aromatherapy Trade council.

But getting certified is just the start.

Going beyond the exams

When you love a subject, then the exam is rarely the endpoint. It just fuels your desire to know more.

For me, life is about continuous learning, about staying curious. When I visit farmers and growers, I ask many questions and learn something new every time. Science is pushing forward our understanding of aromatherapy all the time. Recent research papers have looked at its effect on post-Covid energy levels in women through to dementia prevention programmes in Japan. I find it continually fascinating and exciting and want to share that and show how it can apply to daily life.

So what do I do?

Qualifications and science are all well and good, but what are you getting from me when you buy a Yatlina product?

I like to think of myself as a therapeutic perfumer.

I know, I just said that aromatherapy is about more than a nice smell, and that’s true. I believe that. That’s where the therapeutic side comes in. But there’s no point in me creating something really good to help you sleep or feel calmer if the smell makes you want to heave.

What’s the best exercise routine to take?

Bear with me.

The answer is the one you’ll keep doing. And it’s the same with aromatherapy in many ways. The most effective blend is one you like the smell of. That you find easy to incorporate into your daily life, at home and on the go. So I take the understanding of the science of each oil and then make sure I round out each blend to create a beautiful, functional fragrance. Sort of like smells good and does you good.

One on one

I created my products to bring these functional fragrances to as many people who’d like to use them. But I still work one-on-one with a very limited number of clients, for people looking for something personal and bespoke.

I always enjoy the opportunity to work directly with someone to understand a bit about them and their situation and then create something just for them. If you’re interested in one of these consultations, please drop me an email, and I’ll be able to let you know if I have a slot coming up soon.

Got a question?

Then please drop me an email, and I’ll do my best to answer it. Or you can find me on social media. @yatlina if you prefer.

  • A podcast interview with “Aromatherapy Safety Chats” about my award-winning product Mask Drops. The story behind it and why I will not bring up a spray version.

    Read Here

  • I participated in the “Scent Tatto” project created by Frauke Galila, where she gathers stories from various people and talks to them about a memory connected to a scent, discussing how it has influenced them.

    Read Here

  • An interview by the Amazon accelerator program about the founding of Yatlina and the principles behind the company and its products.

    Read Here

  • An interview with “Authority” magazine about aromatherapy and sleep.

    Read Here

  • Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Yasmine ElGhamrawy, Owner and CEO of Yatlina, located in London, United Kingdom. Here

Discover Yatlina Aromatherapy Range