Blog entries and aromatherapy topics including links for further reading

Aromatherapy, Essential oils, Stress Yasmine ElGhamrawy Aromatherapy, Essential oils, Stress Yasmine ElGhamrawy

Stress relief with “Relaxing and Soothing” essential oils

You might have heard or read something similar to this before: “Ylang Ylang is a relaxing and soothing essential oil”

This is a simplified explanation of a complex event that can take place in the body and mind.When that term is used for any essential oil, it usually has to do with a disruption that happens to the central nervous system that affects the physical body.

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Aromatherapy, Terminology Yasmine ElGhamrawy Aromatherapy, Terminology Yasmine ElGhamrawy

What is a Holistic Health Approach

A holistic approach focuses on an issue as a whole rather than a specific symptom. An idea born out of the concept that the whole is a sum of its many parts. It is a general approach to health that aims to balance out emotional misalignments that can lead to more physical manifestations of discomfort.

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