Coriander Seed Essential Oil
Coriandrum sativum
Latin Name: Coriandrum sativum
Chemistry: Linalool, a-Pinene, y-Terpinene
Aroma: Fresh, Sweet, Herbaceous
Good for: Clearing mental blocks and fog, Immune stimulant, Calming nervous energy.
Energetics: Invokes a state of tranquillity and calm
Traditional use: Traditionally added to food as a herb to aid digestion and help with cramps and nausea. The coriander herb has a long history of use; the seeds were found in the ancient Egyptian tomb of Rameses II.
Coriander Seed vs Leaf
Both seed and leaf of the coriander plant can produce essential oil. However, they have different chemical and therapeutic qualities, so it is critical to know which you are using. The scent of the seed oil is also quite different from the leaf oil and is not interchangeable if the aroma is what you are after in a blend.
Coriander as a herb is one of the most commonly used worldwide and is traditionally added to dishes to add flavour and as a cure to ease cramps and nausea. This traditional use is supported by the research on essential oil that shows its chemical constitutes aid with digestive issues(1). Other studies have shown it to have antibacterial properties that work by disrupting the cell barrier. (2) Recent studies have shown promise for managing neurodegenerative diseases using Coriander seed oil due to its anti-inflammatory properties(3). While the herb is sometimes not tolerated and has a taste that can be pretty off-putting to some people, the essential oil smell is very different and has a much more pleasant and aromatic scent than the plant it comes from.
For External Use only
Do not apply undiluted to skin
If pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult with a professional aromatherapist or your physician before use.
Keep away from children
Keep away from pets
Store in a cool, dark place.
Patch test before use
Keep away from mouth and eyes.
Mask Drops: Power Up blend
Blended Drops: Power Up blend (Coming Soon)
Aroma Patch: Power up Blend (Coming Soon)
Premium Select oil: Corriander Seed (Coming Soon)
1- “Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil: its antibacterial activity and mode of action evaluated by flow cytometry “
2- “Characterization of Coriander (Coriandrum sativumL.) Seeds and Leaves: Volatile and Non Volatile Extracts”
3- “Neuroprotective potency of some spice herbs, a literature review”