Blog entries and aromatherapy topics including links for further reading

Aromatherapy Yasmine ElGhamrawy Aromatherapy Yasmine ElGhamrawy

Extraction Methods for Essential Oils

There are many ways to extract a plant's fragrant and therapeutic parts. Various methods are used: Steam distillation, Expression, Absolute and Co2 extraction. As well as less common ones like Enfleurage. By-products like floral wax and hydrosols are valuable on their own alongside oils.

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Aromatherapy Yasmine ElGhamrawy Aromatherapy Yasmine ElGhamrawy

What are Hydrosols?

Hydrosols are the water left over from the distillation of plant material. In some cases the plant material is distilled specifically to produce its hydrosol. The essential oil will float to the top of the container while the water will stay at the bottom and can be collect for use on its own.

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